I am astonished at the animosity thrown at the Obama/Biden ticket by supporters of McCain/Palin. Now, I’m not naïve; I know that the reverse is true of some people. But it seems to me that, in my world, I’ve seen nothing but hate tossed at Obama by Republicans.
Anyone using his middle name as a way to scare people is just simple, and more to the point, that’s insulting to a potential audience. You’re assuming that the people you’re talking to are stupid enough to cast doubt on a man because his middle name is Hussein.
I’ve seen Obama referred to as “Hitler” which shocked me. Hitler? Really?
I know that Democrats, myself included, have been having a field day with Sarah Palin. But I feel as though fear is motivating me, not hate. I don’t know anyone who hates Sarah Palin. The idea of her representing this country in general, or me in particular, scares the living daylights out of me. So, yes, I laugh my head off at Tina Fey, but mostly I’m scared, because the SNL writers don’t have to work that hard at all to produce a sketch that is hilarious and ends up, for heaven’s sake, on Meet the Press! I can’t remember ever seeing SNL discussed on Meet the Press. And all of the moderators giggling like little kids. That just adds to my fear. Yes, America, it would be a very scary thing to have Sarah Palin in the White House.
I think Tina Fey is helping people realize exactly that. We’re laughing here in New York, which I’ll admit is its own little bubble, but people are laughing all over the country, and as they’re laughing, or sending links to their friends, (hopefully) they’re thinking, this would be a mistake…a mistake…
Of course, the people watching SNL are likely liberals anyway, so we’re not exactly reaching the intended audience. But still. People forwarding links…word is getting out. Those Katie Couric interviews…in a sane world, Palin would have been pulled off the ticket straight away. Why leave her on the ticket when she’s turning your campaign into a punch line? I am not a professional political operative, so I’ll just wonder. And be scared.
But anyway. Back to the hate. It has been suggested to me that people sling hate at Obama because they’re racist, and I don’t believe that either. (Perhaps because I am ever the cock-eyed optimist, and choose to think the best about people.) It has been suggested to me that I’m a racist, because Obama isn’t exactly ringing my bell. I am not a racist; it’s just that he’s not my ideal candidate. But he’s smart, and I want a President who is smart. He’s capable of leading the country, and I want a president who is capable. He does have a certain amount of gravitas, and I think that’s important as well. I believe he’ll be a compassionate president, because of what he’s had to endure in his life, not the least of which is people calling him Hitler, or believing that he’s evil because his middle name is Hussein. Or believing that he’s not capable because he’s black.
Not many candidates have the amount of economic expertise that’s ideal, or the amount of foreign policy expertise, or the amount of any kind of expertise, for that matter. Being President of the United States is purely on-the-job training. You want someone who can expand, or contract, as the need arises. I don’t want John McCain in the White House, and I don’t want Sarah Palin in the White House. I don’t want to watch the debate tonight because I fear that it will be a contest to see who can debase the other fellow more efficiently. I lose respect for candidates when they say things like, Obama is pals with a terrorist. And I’m tired of hearing the word “Maverick” – especially from a tired old man. He’s probably a very nice tired old man, but I don’t want him in the White House.
Here’s an apt quote from the movie “The American President” --
“We have serious problems to solve, and we need serious people to solve them. And whatever your particular problem is, I promise you, [John McCain] is not the least bit interested in solving it. He is interested in two things and two things only: making you afraid of it and telling you who's to blame for it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections. You gather a group of middle-aged, middle-class, middle-income voters who remember with longing an easier time, and you talk to them about family and American values and character.“
And you imply that a man named Barack Hussein Obama is a terrorist, because his background isn’t like yours.
Maybe, if Obama wins, that will make us all a little more tolerant. Lord knows we need it.