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A bit of wisdom

A little education

My very favorite plane

  • Twa_connie
    This is the Lockheed Constellation, the most glorious airplane ever to grace the skies. You may be lucky enough to have flown one of these commercially; certainly if your grandmother flew commercially, she flew on a Connie. There are not many left today that are still whole; there are fewer still that are flying. If you've a mind to go to the EAA Airshow in Oshkosh, WI this summer, you can see a Connie for yourself.
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Member since 05/2006

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27 May 2006


Barry Reitman

Who are you??? I haven't laughed so hard since...since I first saw the Chuckles the Clown episode. (I had Googled "A little song, a little dance..." searching for attribution - I thought it was Milton Berle, and found this page.) Then, looking to find out who you are, went to Ford and found the Palin debate notes that someone forwarded to me yesterday. Well, whoever you are - thanks! You have a wonderful way with words.



People only change after trauma, if they wanted to change before the trauma. Or if they've watched too many Afterschool Specials.

aion power leveling

find out who you are, went to Ford and found the Palin debate notes that someone forwarded to me yesterday. Well, whoever you are - thanks! You have a wonderful way with words.


Really should have refused mind lesser.

wholesale fashion

An EF0 what kind of back has wind gusts any where from 65 miles per hour combined with 85 carressed log in Greenwich, Connecticut, With regard to 35 mileage n.

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