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My very favorite plane

  • Twa_connie
    This is the Lockheed Constellation, the most glorious airplane ever to grace the skies. You may be lucky enough to have flown one of these commercially; certainly if your grandmother flew commercially, she flew on a Connie. There are not many left today that are still whole; there are fewer still that are flying. If you've a mind to go to the EAA Airshow in Oshkosh, WI this summer, you can see a Connie for yourself.
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Member since 05/2006

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28 May 2006



Craziest thing ... I was writing about 'NEW for my blog a few weeks ago ... still have it saved in the drafts bin.

I actually met Scottso a few years ago ... I went to one of the Shoot Outs at the Hard Rock one day after high school let out ... I was maybe 16 at the time, in the mid '90s.

I partied with Phil Collins, and met the love of my life, then-morning DJ, Pat "Paraquat" Kelley, who shared the 6-10 a.m. slot with "Mr. Marty" Martinez, Jim Monoghan and Donna Fiducia.

Around the same time a friend of mine dragged me to 'NEW's old building at 655 3rd Avenue because she wanted to meet the members of YES in the lobby, so while she was gawking all over Rick Wakeman, Steve Howe and Chris Squire, I got to meet Dennis Elsas, Dan-o Neer and Harris Allen.

Once I spoke to Dave Herman on the phone; Harris Allen, a few times. Met Tony Pigg, Pat St. John, Carol Miller at the 'NEW Xmas Concert at the Beacon.

When Scottso died, I was inconsolable. And when the station died, I just turned off the radio all together.

All I listen to now is The Moonshine Show and Tennessee Borders on 89.9 on Sunday mornings. Sometimes 88.3 WBGO, when I could get reception (rarely).

I'd give anything for a decent classic rock radion station. Q-104.3 just don't cut it. They cut the cheese, maybe.

runescape gold

Pigg, Pat St. John, Carol Miller at the 'NEW Xmas Concert at the Beacon.

When Scottso died, I was inconsolable. And when the station died, I just turned off the radio all together.

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