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A bit of wisdom

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My very favorite plane

  • Twa_connie
    This is the Lockheed Constellation, the most glorious airplane ever to grace the skies. You may be lucky enough to have flown one of these commercially; certainly if your grandmother flew commercially, she flew on a Connie. There are not many left today that are still whole; there are fewer still that are flying. If you've a mind to go to the EAA Airshow in Oshkosh, WI this summer, you can see a Connie for yourself.
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Member since 05/2006

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25 June 2008



Brooklyn misses you already, Lizzie. I hope you and Rebecca come back someday!



Hi Liz

I'm sending you many hugs and kisses to wish you an Rebecca all the best for your life together... much laughter, kindness and love.

I certainly enjoyed reading your piece about your last day in Brooklyn...You are so talented!!!

Momma Katz


I wish you and Rebecca luck and happiness in your new life together,Liz you are good people too.You have to come back to Brooklyn for your haircuts!!!!!!

kathy lane

Wow, this is the end of an era... buona fortuna and keep writing Ford Street no matter where you live!!! Buffy


You are such an inspiration! Congrats on all of the amazing changes in your life - the Village ain't that bad. I can even come meet you for dinner! Much love.


The gay thing doesn't concern me at all, but the wine thing has me both concerned and confused. I thought that if you were Irish, you were required to drink only beer, and the occasional shot of either Bushmills or Jamesons, depending on your religious persuasion. Now that you're in Manhattan, there's NO excuse not to meet for a drink!

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