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A bit of wisdom

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My very favorite plane

  • Twa_connie
    This is the Lockheed Constellation, the most glorious airplane ever to grace the skies. You may be lucky enough to have flown one of these commercially; certainly if your grandmother flew commercially, she flew on a Connie. There are not many left today that are still whole; there are fewer still that are flying. If you've a mind to go to the EAA Airshow in Oshkosh, WI this summer, you can see a Connie for yourself.
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« How Not to Win an Election | Main | It's Finally Election Day! »

31 October 2008



Pretty good stuff for a 5th grader. Timeless sentiment. I agree - let's DO THIS vote thing & get this pain & worry over with so Palin can go back to Alaska & shoot something. It's too obvious to note that in your essay, you did not entertain the idea of the President being a woman. But, after all, it was 1972. It must have been devastating to be a Democrat that year. The election results painted the entire map of the US red, save Mass. A chilling thought. Blue is such a calmer, soothing color.

Kate Harrigan

You, in the Fifth grade that year, had more on the ball than I did, teaching seventh graders that Fall. This, I hope, is the year for your vision to be realized. I stood in line for an hour and cast my vote this morning. That's a long line for the cornfields of Central PA! So much seems to ride on this election . . .

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