Graduate school these days…..well, all I have to say on that
is, back in the day us pre-webosaurs had to crawl through dusty library stacks.
Those papers better be brilliant, woman.
I used to work in one of those newsrooms you see in that movie, typing on a manual typewriter on four-pack carbon paper (one copy to the editor, one copy to the engineer, one to the anchor and one for...luck? As in 'Good night and good luck,' I guess - yes, that newsroom.) There were deafening teletype machines in the corner chugging away with news, and halting telex machines where you sat down and by magic typed messages in real time back and forth with the foreign bureaus, real foreign bureaus. And I'll tell you what - we do indeed have all these new weapons of discovery and at least five good stories serious enough to topple any administration. And sometimes it seems the only ones telling truth to power are our best and brightest political comedians.
Yes, it is hot as Hades and I hate air conditioning. (But the dog is suffering, so I'll put them in the windows later today.)